The egg donation process is also known as egg transplantation or egg donation. All stages of the IVF process are valid in egg donation. The eggs provided by stimulating the ovaries of the egg donor called donors with drugs are fertilized with the sperm of the recipient woman’s partner. The embryos obtained in this way are transferred to the recipient woman prepared at the same time or later. It is an IVF method that has been applied intensively for about 30 years.
First Egg Donation Process
The birth of the first baby as a result of pregnancy caused by the transfer of embryos formed by egg donation treatment was performed on February 3, 1984 by Dr. John Buster in California/USA. Thus, since this date, “egg donation” has been the only method that gives the chance of pregnancy and motherhood to women who do not have their own egg or who cannot conceive using their own egg. By using this technique, women who had no chance of pregnancy before, who stopped egg production for any reason or whose egg quality was not suitable for pregnancy could also have children.