Egg donation is the process of donating eggs by a different woman in order for the expectant mother with fertility characteristics to start the pregnancy process positively. Although some women have the possibility of fertility for different reasons, there may be situations that prevent pregnancy. In addition, in some people, pregnancy is not possible due to genetic reasons. In this way, it is ensured that couples can have a baby with egg donation .
Egg donation has a similar process to IVF treatment. In the said process, the eggs are taken from a female donor and transferred to the expectant mother, and if the process is successful, pregnancy can be achieved in the expectant mother.
One of the most important factors during treatment is donor selection. Mostly, expectant mothers whose pregnancy is not successful during IVF treatment apply for egg donation method. In the egg donation procedure, the donor to be selected is meticulously selected in our center, which operates in order to keep the pregnancy rates at the highest level since 2014. Our center takes its patient privacy policy seriously. No details about your treatment are shared with anyone else without your permission.
The egg donation process is similar to IVF treatment . The stages of egg donation are as follows;
- Donor selection
For the egg donation process, the donor from which the egg will be taken is selected first. The expectant mother can choose a person she knows for donor selection, or a person she does not know can be treated as a donor.
- Donor preparation stage
In egg donation, some treatment processes that will ensure egg development are prepared and applied for the person who will be a donor. Expectant mothers are not included in a treatment for egg development during this stage. Some drugs are used for the donor to produce a healthy egg.
- Preparing the expectant mother for pregnancy
Of course, there is a preparation process for the expectant mother in the egg donation process. The uterine lining of the expectant mother is made suitable and ready for pregnancy. Usually donor preparation and preparation of the expectant mother for pregnancy are done at the same time.
- The process of obtaining sperm from the father-to-be
In egg donation, although the egg is taken from the donor, the healthy sperm cell necessary for the formation of a healthy embryo is taken from the father-to-be. Sperm is taken from the father-to-be after the ovulation process.
- Embryo fertilization process
The healthy egg cell taken from the donor and the healthy sperm cells taken from the father-to-be are fertilized in the laboratory environment. After these processes, the embryos can be used fresh or frozen and kept for later use.
Developing Technology and Surrogacy
- Embryo transfer stage
The healthy embryo is transferred to the uterus of the mother within 4-5 days immediately after the fertilization of the egg taken from the donor and the sperm cells taken from the father-to-be. Within 10-15 days, it becomes clear whether there is a pregnancy or not. During the process, the process is completed without the expectant mother and the donor seeing each other. After this stage, the standard pregnancy process takes place.
Who is Egg Donation Applied to?
• Those who cannot conceive with their own eggs for any reason (those who have genetic problems such as Turner Syndrome, Gonadal Dysgenesis)
• Those who have genetic diseases
• Women who have a healthy uterus but who have entered early menopause
• Women who have had their ovaries removed by surgery (for reasons such as cancer, endometriosis, infection)
• To women whose eggs have been damaged or whose egg cells have been lost due to reasons such as chemotherapy – radiotherapy
• To women of advanced age whose egg reserves and egg quality are not sufficient for pregnancy
• To women whose ovarian capacity is reduced at an early age
• To women with recurrent IVF failures