Embryo Donation

BB Life Surrogacy

Embryo Donation

Embryo donation is an IVF practice that is administered when both women and men experience infertility problems. In embryo donation practice, eggs and sperm sourced from donors are fertilized in a laboratory setting and placed in the womb of the recipient mother-to-be on the appropriate day.

BB Life Surrogacy

Who Does Embryo Donation Apply to?

BB Life Surrogacy

How to Do Embryo Donation

Genetic screening can also be done through this method. Thus, many genetic disorders can be prevented in the child.

Evaluation of the recipient couple before embryo donation, especially in terms of the overall health status of the expectant mother and obstetrics, is of paramount importance. Based on blood values and hormone levels, a medication uterine film (hysterosalpingography-HSG) can be made.

If the embryo is menstruating so that the mother-to-be's womb can become eligible for transfer, your custom is 2. or 3. on a day determined to be in accordance with the treatment schedule if not menstruating, treatment for the intrauterine-thickening pill or tape is initiated, and this treatment continues for approximately 2 weeks. At the end of two weeks, the patient's uterus is assessed by ultrasound. The transfer day is determined once the appropriate drugs and time plan are made for the transfer. On the day of the transfer, the embryo fertilized in the laboratory setting is placed in the womb of the expectant mother.