Bb Life Surrogacy


Surrogacy in Cyprus can be done after the Ministry of Health approved your file after the regulation in 2018. To do that, we collect your health reports with the necessary challenges and apply on your behalf. Once our application is approved, the normal medical procedure is performed and the birth is held in Cyprus.

Legislation in Georgia

Surrogacy has been legal in Georgia since 1997. The Constitution of Georgia has 143. And 144. Their substances allow IVF, the use of donated eggs and the contract for surrogates. In other words, these clauses prevent surrogates from making a claim on parenting and the children they give birth to. Children immediately after birth are given birth certificates in the name of their parents who receive assistance from the surrogate.

Article 143

A) Use of the couple's or donor's gametes or embryo to treat infertility, B) If a woman's womb is not present, transferring the embryo obtained as a result of fertilization to the womb of another woman ("surrogate") and growing there; it is mandatory to obtain written consent from the couple. It's important that in the event of a child being born, as a parent, the couple is accepted and known that the powers and responsibilities that really come forward will be taken on. The donor or "surrogate" will not have the right to be recognized as the parent of the born child. Article 144 would be possible to use male and female gametes or embryos frozen and stored for IVF purposes. The time stored will be determined at the request of the couple under the designated process

Article 144

Using male and female gametes or embryos frozen and stored for IVF purposes will be possible. The time stored will be determined at the request of the couple under the designated process