It can be recommended for the risk of miscarriage (PGD), which shows a plus with the age of the expectant mother. By applying the PGD method, both the chance of pregnancy can be increased and the risk of miscarriage can be reduced in the resulting pregnancy.
The increased risk of miscarriage in pregnancy with increasing age may be explained by the risk of genetic disorders. With the age of the expectant mother, the number of eggs decreases, the quality of the eggs deteriorates, and in addition to these, the risk of genetic abnormalities in the eggs may increase.
Considering the age factor of the risk of miscarriage in pregnancy, the current risk of miscarriage in natural pregnancy under the age of 35 is around 15 percent, while this rate can go up to 40-35 percent in pregnancies after the age of 40.
Recurrent miscarriage, by definition, is called two or more miscarriages that occur before the 20th week of pregnancy. Scientific data show that 3% of the miscarriages in the first 80 months are due to a genetic problem in the baby. The genetic problem is caused by a momentary error when the sperm and egg unite, and this error usually does not recur in subsequent pregnancies. But if the miscarriage is recurrent, that is, if there have been 2 or more consecutive pregnancy losses, the situation changes. In such a case, recurrent miscarriage (habitual abortion) is diagnosed and the factors that cause it need to be investigated. Genetic factors are the most important cause of miscarriage. As a result of the studies, it was understood that many of the recurrent miscarriages were due to chromosome (genetic) disorders. In cases of recurrent miscarriage due to genetic factors or in patients whose source cannot be found, IVF treatment and preimplantation of embryos are selected by genetic diagnosis method, genetically screened and the healthiest embryo is transferred to the uterus.
How is PGD Performed?
With the PGD method, which can be applied as a part of the IVF process, the chromosome disorders that may be in the baby to be born are detected and the abnormal ones are eliminated and normal (healthy) embryos are transferred to the uterus. The embryo formed after the classical IVF steps are performed is genetically examined before transferring.
PGD can be performed by 3 methods.
- Day 3 embryo biopsy
- Day 5 embryo biopsy
- Polar body biopsy
Transfer in PGD Method
Thanks to PGD, chromosome disorders that may be in the baby to be born are detected and the abnormal ones are eliminated and normal (healthy) embryos are transferred to the uterus. Thus, the chance of pregnancy is increased for the expectant mother and the risk of miscarriage can be reduced.
In the Pgt process, it is possible to check whether all chromosomes in the cells taken carry numerical and structural defects, as well as hundreds of diseases such as Mediterranean Anemia, which we call single gene diseases (diseases caused by the disorder of a single gene), can be screened. In this way, genetically healthy embryos can be transferred to the expectant mother and healthy babies can be brought into the world. However, PGD is not recommended for all couples who come for IVF treatment. PGD can be performed in couples at risk for single gene diseases (autosomal recessive, autosomal dominant, X-linked traverse) or structural chromosomal disorder/translocation. PGD technique is also used for gender selection to prevent some X-related diseases. Today, it is known that more than 1000 PGD babies are born all over the world.
- The ovaries are stimulated to form embryos to be genetically examined.
- Eggs are collected so that they can be combined with sperm and embryos can be produced.
- In order to obtain the maximum number of embryos, the eggs are fertilized using the microinjection method (injecting the sperm into the egg).
- The development of fertilized eggs is monitored. On the 3rd or 5th day after fertilization, cells are taken from the embryo for genetic analysis (biopsy). This technique is a very special technique and requires a lot of experience and expertise. The expertise and ability of the embryologist performing the biopsy directly affects the outcome.
- Cells taken from the embryo are sent to the genetics laboratory for examination.
- According to the results from the genetics laboratory, only genetically normal embryos are transferred to the patient. Approximately 12 days after embryo transfer, the pregnancy result is expected.
How Many Days Does PGD Result Come Out?
The duration of the PGD result may vary according to the method of application. In some methods, the results can be obtained in a period of 3 hours, while in some cases it may take 24-48 hours to get the result.