Miscarriage Pregnancy and PGD Method
It can be recommended for the risk of miscarriage (PGD), which shows a plus with the age of the expectant mother. By applying the PGD method, both the chance of pregnancy can be increased and the risk of miscarriage in the pregnancy obtained can be reduced.
The increased risk of miscarriage in pregnancy with increasing age can be explained by the risk of genetic disorders. With the age of the expectant mother, the number of eggs decreases, the quality of the eggs deteriorates, and in addition to these, the risk of genetic abnormalities in the eggs may increase.
Considering the age factor of miscarriage risk in pregnancy, the current risk of miscarriage in natural pregnancy obtained under the age of 35 is around 15 percent, while this rate can go up to 40-35% in pregnancies after 40 years.
Recurrent miscarriage, by definition, is defined as two or more miscarriages that occur before the 20th week of pregnancy. Scientific data shows that 3% of miscarriages in the first 80 months are due to a genetic problem in the baby. The genetic problem is caused by a momentary error that occurs when the sperm and the egg are merging, and this error usually does not recur in subsequent pregnancies. But if the miscarriage is recurrent, that is, if there have been 2 or more pregnancy losses in a row, the situation changes. In such a case, recurrent miscarriage (habitual abortion) is diagnosed and the factors that cause it need to be investigated. Genetic factors are the most important cause of miscarriage. As a result of the studies, it was understood that many of the recurrent miscarriages were due to chromosome (genetic) disorders. In cases of recurrent miscarriage due to genetic factors or in patients whose source cannot be found, it is recommended that IVF treatment and embryos are selected by preimplantation genetic diagnosis method, genetically screened and the healthiest embryo is transferred to the uterus.
How is PGD Done?
With the PGD method, which can be applied as part of the IVF process, the chromosome disorders that may be in the baby to be born are detected and the abnormal ones are eliminated and normal (healthy) embryos are transferred to the uterus. After the classical IVF steps are performed, the embryo is genetically examined before transferring.
PGD can be done by 3 methods.
Day 3 embryo biopsy
Day 5 embryo biopsy
Polar body biopsy
Transfer in PGD Method
PGT sayesinde doğacak bebekteki olabilecek kromozom bozuklukları tespit edilip anormal olanlar elenerek normal (sağlıklı) embriyoların rahime transferi gerçekleştiriliyor. Böylece anne adayı için gebelik şansı artırılıyor, düşük riski de azaltılabiliyor
Pgt sürecinde, alınan hücrelerde tüm kromozomların sayısal ve yapısal bozukluk taşıyıp taşımadığına bakılabildiği gibi Akdeniz Anemisi gibi tek gen hastalıkları (tek bir genin bozukluğuyla ortaya çıkan hastalıklar) dediğimiz yüzlerce hastalık taranabiliyor. Bu şekilde genetik olarak sağlıklı embriyolar anne adayına transfer edilerek sağlıklı bebeklerin dünyaya getirilmesi sağlanabiliyor. Ancak tüp bebek tedavisi için gelen çiftlerin hepsine PGT önerilmiyor. PGD tek gen hastalıkları (otozomal resesif, otozomal dominant, X’e bağlı geçen) veya yapısal kromozomal bozukluk/translokasyon için risk taşıyan çiftlerde yapılabilir. X e bağlı geçen bazı hastalıkları engellemek için yapılan cinsiyet seçimi için de PGD tekniği kullanılır. Bugün tüm dünyada yaklaşık 1000’den fazla PGT bebeğinin dünyaya geldiği bilinmektedir.
Genetik açıdan incelenecek embriyoları oluşturmak için yumurtalıklar uyarılır
Sperm ile birleştirilip embriyoların üretilebilmesi için yumurtalar toplanır
En fazla sayıda embriyo elde edebilmek için mikroenjeksiyon yöntemi (Spermin yumurtanın içine enjekte edilmesi) kullanılarak yumurtalar döllenir
The development of fertilized eggs is monitored. On the 3rd day or 5th day after fertilization, cells are taken from the embryo for genetic analysis (biopsy). This technique is a very special technique and requires extreme experience and expertise. The expertise and ability of the embryologist who performed the biopsy directly affects the outcome.
The cells taken from the embryo are sent to the genetics laboratory for examination.
According to the results from the genetics laboratory, only genetically normal embryos are transferred to the patient. The result of pregnancy is expected approximately 12 days after the embryo transfer.
In How Many Days Does PGD Result Appear?
The time it takes to get a PGD result may vary depending on the application method. In some methods, results can be obtained in a period of 3 hours, while in some cases it may take 24-48 hours to get the result.