Our doctor conducts gynecological examinations.
All blood tests of the surrogate mother are done again and her suitability is confirmed.
These checks and tests are shared with you on an ongoing basis.
After all the conditions are met, the preparation of the uterus begins.
The treatment of the surrogate mother is planned in conjunction with the menstrual cycle to prepare her uterus for pregnancy.
In this treatment process, ultrasound scans are performed at regular intervals and embryo transfer is performed when the uterus is ready with the necessary drug protocol.
Legal Procedures and Procedures in Surrogacy
In order to fulfill the legal requirements and protect the rights of the couple applying for this procedure, our team of experts in surrogacy completes the permission procedure from the state on behalf of the couples applying for Cyprus.
For couples applying in Georgia, it ensures that the contract is concluded with the surrogate mother in a notary authorized by the Georgian state, which is prepared in both Turkish and Georgian, and includes arrangements that protect all the rights of the family and the baby to be born.
Thus, the baby to be born after the surrogate mother gives birth belongs entirely to the couple and the surrogate mother cannot claim rights over the baby. In addition, the birth certificate states the name of the genetic mother as the mother and the name of the genetic father as the father.
Single men can also have this procedure done in accordance with the procedures for having a baby.