Surrogate mother, as the name suggests, is the name given to the person who carries the baby in her womb during pregnancy. We apply the surrogate mother method, which is often preferred by women who cannot experience pregnancy with natural methods, in our expert IVF centers and laboratories. The reproductive cells belonging to the mother and father are taken by doctors and fertilized in the laboratory. If the mother or father has a health problem that prevents reproduction, donor assistance can also be applied. The child to be born has the DNA of the individuals whose eggs and sperm are used during the fertilization process. It can be expressed as follows; If you resort to surrogacy using your own egg and sperm, the baby to be born is considered your child, regardless of who grows up in the womb.
The surrogate mother has no influence on the child’s DNA. If the child is given a DNA test, the genes of the mother whose egg is used and the father whose sperm are used are seen during fertilization. In the case of surrogate mother application, the biological mother and father of the baby born are the woman whose egg is used and the man whose sperm is used.